Call for Abstracts

ACD ASM 2025 Call for Abstracts is now closed.

Abstracts submitted in hard copy will not be accepted. Only abstracts submitted via the online portal will be accepted and reviewed.

Notifications will be sent out by Friday 28 February 2025.

ACD ASM Call for Abstracts is now closed

To view or download your submission/s please click on the below button.

Important Information

Authors must select the most accurate category and sub-category to submit an abstract under.

Category Sub-category/description
ACD Fellows and other Dermatologists
  • Fellow of ACD
  • Dermatologists who are not a Fellow of ACD (both overseas and domestic).
  • Dermatologists who are currently on the specialist pathway via an application with ACD.
ACD Registrars Registrars currently participating in the ACD Dermatology Training program or doctors who have been notified they have been accepted onto the progam and will commence in 2025.
  • Medical students
  • Research Fellows (non-dermatologists)
  • Registrars currently participating in other specialty programs
  • Junior Medical Officers (PGY 1 to 3)
  • Other Medical Professionals
  • Allied Health Professionals

Abstract format

Abstracts need to be structured under the following sub-headings: Aim, Method, Results and Conclusions. The abstract should not repeat the title, authors and affiliations.

  • Aim: Reflects pertinent background information and the purpose of the study (the hypothesis that is being tested);
  • Method: The research design, setting for the study (or studies if a review), the participants (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type(s) of statistical analysis used;
  • Result: The outcome(s) of the study and, if appropriate, its/their statistical significance;
  • Conclusion: The significance of the results.

If you are submitting a case study, you do not need to follow the above guidelines and can use paragraph format.

Presentation Type

Submissions will be accepted for the following presentation types:

Oral Presentation Only – an oral presentation, using PowerPoint slides, presented by one nominated author. Presentations will include 2 minutes each for audience questions.

Poster Only – authors will have the opportunity to have their Poster in the Exhibition Hall for the entire duration of the ASM for delegates to view. Posters provide visual display of new techniques, programs, research or professional innovations. They are the ideal medium for the presentation of complex visual material and emerging practice content.

Either Oral or Poster


Submissions will be accepted for the following themes:

Acne / Rosacea
AI in Dermatology
Atopic Dermatitis
Biologics / Psoriasis
Contact Dermatitis
Genital Dermatology
Hair & Nails
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Keratinocyte Cancer
Laser Dermatology
Medical Dermatology
Mohs Surgery
Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology
Pigment disorders
Sexual Health
Surgery for the General Dermatologist
Topical Diseases

Abstract submission information

Submissions should be no longer than 300 words (excluding title and other contact details).
Further details will be provided to accepted presenters.

  • 3 abstracts per person limit
  • Abstracts submitted without data will not be considered.
  • Industry submitted abstracts will not be accepted
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • The author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract.
  • Do not include references in your abstract body
  • All presenters of accepted submissions are expected to register and pay to access the ASM.
  • The acceptance of an abstract does not imply provision of travel, accommodation or registration for the ASM, nor any other costs associated with preparation, presentation of the oral or poster, or any costs associated with attendance at the ASM.
  • All abstracts are reviewed by members of the Meeting and Events Oversight Group. The Group’s decision is final.
  • By submitting your abstract, you agree to have your abstract (if accepted) published on the ASM website, College website, ASM app and in printed material.
  • By submitting you agree to give College permission to publish your name and email address in the online Abstract Supplement published by Wiley.
  • If you have any commercial interests or associations that might pose a conflict of interest regarding the submission, they must be declared. If accepted for presentation, the commercial interest or association must be declared on the title slide or the slide immediately following the title slide.
  • You give College permission to film or photograph your presentation at the ASM.
  • You will immediately notify College if you are unable to present or if the presenting author is changed.

Withdrawing an abstract

If you wish to withdraw an abstract, please contact the ASM Office at Please note that any withdrawals need to be communicated in writing (via email) by the author who originally submitted the abstract, and in doing so, the conference office assumes that all other authors/presenters have been informed of the withdrawal.


Have a question?

Queries relating to the call for abstracts can be directed to the ACD ASM 2025 Conference Office, Think Business Events on or 03 9417 1350.

Contact Us

If you have queries regarding the ACD ASM 2025 meeting, please contact the Conference Office.

Think Business Events
Level 1, 4 Anderson Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
T: +61 (0)3 9417 1350

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Australasian College of Dermatologists acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which BCEC now stands. We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and recognise their enduring contribution to the culture and spirit of the land.