Practice Managers Forum
Date: Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 May 2024
Location: Room 9, PCEC
Cost: $295 per person
Building on the momentum of our inaugural meeting last year in Sydney, we are delighted to once again welcome practice managers to our ASM in Perth. Expanding on the themes and conversations from 2023, we are developing a two day program taking place on Saturday and Sunday onsite at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Click below to view the program

Karen Castle – Risk Advisor at Avant Mutual
Karen assists members by providing risk assessments, member risk education, risk management and prevention strategies.
Karen has had over 20 years’ experience in the health industry, predominantly in the emergency/critical care environment. She has worked in the medical assistance and retrieval industry where she coordinated services for numerous emergency patients requiring intensive treatment in Australia.
She has also worked in education, quality assurance and risk management roles within the aviation industry.

Cathy Baynie – Manager, Advocacy and Health Workforce at the Australasian College of Dermatologists
Cathy has career long experience in the Health Industry as a Registered Nurse and Certified Practice Manager, having managed both general (multi-disciplinary) and specialist practices. Other roles include accreditation surveyor and Practice Management Advisor to the NSW Australian Medical Association. Cathy consults nationally to both general and specialist practices and is a Fellow of AAPM as well as immediate past National President.
As a member of the Department of Health Primary Health Reform Steering Group, Cathy is a firm believer that Practice Managers are key in the development and delivery of strong systems of leadership and management enabling the delivery of quality care.

Damon Harris – Director, Business Advisory at William Buck
Damon ’s strengths are reflected in the extensive scope of engagements carried out within the Business Advisory team. Damon has created a unique team in WA, skilled in helping businesses succeed (not just doing compliance) by working closely with clients, leveraging off quality software. Damon is a member of our networks Health Focus Group and is committed to growing this specialisation by driving mutually successful partnerships with leading health care professionals.
Core expertise includes business structuring for tax minimisation and asset protection, business succession and estate planning, cloud accounting, litigation support, self-managed superannuation funds, and superannuation and retirement planning. Specialisations include agribusiness, health and aged care, investors, and property development.

Alan Stevenson – WHS Strategic Development Consultant at Epigroup
Alan is a results-oriented, skilled Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) professional with a solid project management background, experience working in more than a dozen different countries and expertise in developing and implementing world-class QHSE management systems. He is very people driven, and thrives on teaching and seeing other learn and thrive themselves. Working with people to be the best version of themselves is what he enjoys, and if he can contribute to help someone on that journey then it’s an amazing privilege that he never fails to appreciate.
With over 40 years experience, Alan’s key strengths include:
- QHSE Strategy Management
- Leadership Development Coaching
- Project Management
- Risk Assessment
- Incident Investigation

Contact Us
If you have queries regarding the ACD ASM 2024 meeting, please contact the Conference Office.
Think Business Events
Level 1, 4 Anderson Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
T: +61 (0)3 9417 1350
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Acknowledgement of Country
The Australasian College of Dermatologists acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where PCEC stands and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.